ESG / Sustainability

With reference to our vision, Mokveld strongly believes the world’s energy, water and material demand can be met in a sustainable way, with a responsible and environmentally safe use of our planet’s resources.

Mokveld ESG visual People, Planet, Profit

We follow the aim of the Paris Agreement to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In line with this science-based-target it is our goal to be carbon neutral for our GreenHouse Gases (GHG) scope 1 & 2 in 2035 and to be climate neutral for our GHG scope 1, 2 & 3 in 2050.

Mokveld aims to be technology leader since 1922 and has always been committed to improving its products, resulting in valves that reduce noise or increase safety. Our vision mentioned above was introduced in 2007 and as a result the research and development further directed to sustainability. This resulted for instance in products like the low shear valve, a concept reducing the Oil in Water content at the outlet of separators assisting clients in improving their produced water quality, but also the Zero Emission Valve. A valve design that eliminates fugitive emissions, leakage or unintentional losses over the lifetime of the valve.

Our drive to reduce our environmental impact and provide a safe and healthy workplace was underlined in 2006 with third party certification in accordance to ISO14001 and in 2012 certification to OHSAS 18001 (presently ISO45001). In our values we confirm that sustainability is not limited to GreenHouse Gas but encompasses all topics of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG).

The five pillars of our sustainability strategy

 Our sustainability strategy consists of five pillars. Through our sustainability strategy, we are going to make our daily operations greener and more social.


In 2024, sustainability policies will be developed for each pillar. These policies will be drafted within the European laws and regulations of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and the associated reporting standards ESRS, (European Sustainability Reporting Standards).

Our vision and the five pillars

We want the world's energy, water and material demands to be met in a sustainable way. In doing so, we find a 'new' balance in creating economic, environmental and social values and are transparent about our 'quest'.

We are working towards a carbon- and climate-neutral society

To mitigate climate change, we will work to achieve 'net-zero' greenhouse gas emissions in both our own business activities (being GHG scope 1 and 2 by year 2035) and from our customers and suppliers (being GHG scope 3 by year 2050).

We design our valve systems with limited material and energy consumption, well reparable and the possibility of lifespan extension

We will commit to a high degree of circularity by using smart designs to make our valve systems to last above average. This allows our valve systems to retain their value for as long as possible and requires fewer materials needed to make and maintain them.

We promote social progress and are committed to safe, healthy and inclusive working environments

Our human resources policy aims to give everyone the opportunity to develop in their careers. We do so in safe, healthy and inclusive working environments that contribute to both the social advancement of our staff and Mokveld's business objectives.

We are enabling the world's energy transition by realistically redefining our playing field

As part of the energy transition (Paris climate agreement, 2015), the world needs to switch from fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal) to renewable energy sources. In this transition, oil and especially gas will still continue to play an essential role. We are convinced that our long-term ambitions can only be realized, and our continuity secured, if we act ecologically and socially responsible and ethically.

We understand the context of our business and take our supply chain responsibility seriously

We realise that we are in a ‘challenging’ chain when it comes to ESG/sustainability. We take our chain responsibility seriously. We will be alert to financial and reputation risks due to ESG themes in our chain. Also, we will provide more insight into the harmful environmental, human and social impacts with which we are involved through our upstream and downstream chain.


Quick scan of our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions

Mokveld will report on natural and social values and will be transparent regarding these values. December 2023 Mokveld submitted the double materiality assessment method we intend to apply to our validator for confirmation. At present we await the response. Mokveld’s first formal reporting and third party validation is required based on financial year 2025, this will be available early 2026.

As part of our ambitions Mokveld feels a public announcement is required as minimum until a third party validation is available. Since we are in the process of confirming our formal reporting method this announcement can only be in the form of a quick scan of our scope 1 & scope 2 CO2 emissions.